Prosthetic Guides

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Prosthetic Guides

Skin care


You have particular skin care needs. Research has shown that up to 74% of amputees have skin issues related to their prosthetic limb [Source]. The skin on a residual limb sustains many stresses. Small disorders quickly get out of hand in the warm, moist environment of a prosthetic socket. Pressure, weight, and friction on the "skin of the stump" can cause irritation on a part of your body that wasn't engineered to bear body weight. Sometimes these issues are minor and don't affect daily use, but when left untreated these minor cuts, blisters, and rashes could eventually become more serious, sometimes limiting your the use of a prosthesis until the irritation has healed. You can preserve and enhance your day-to-day prosthetic comfort with preventative care and regular maintenance. Along with correct socket shape, socket fit, and stabilization, a regular skin care routine is essential to preserving the long term health of the skin on your residual limb.

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